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Who invented the first speaker?

 The first form of loudspeaker came about when telephone systems were developed in the late 19th century. But it was in 1912 InventHelp Inventions that the loudspeakers really became practical – in part due to the electronic amplification by a vacuum tube. In the 1920s, they were used in radio, InventHelp phonographs, public address systems and theater sound systems for spoken films.


What is a speaker?


By definition, a loudspeaker is an electro-acoustic transducer that converts an electrical audio signal into a corresponding sound. The most common type of speaker today is the dynamic speaker. It was invented in 1925 by Edward W. Kellogg and Chester W. Rice. The dynamic speaker operates on the same basic principle as a dynamic microphone, InventHelp Patent except in the reverse direction of producing sound from InventHelp Innovation an electrical signal.


Smaller speakers are found in everything from radios and televisions to portable audio players, computers and electronic musical instruments. InventHelp Technology Larger speaker systems are used for music, sound reinforcement in theaters and concerts and in public address systems.


First Loudspeakers Installed on Phones


Johann Philipp Reis installed an electric speaker on his phone in 1861 and was able to reproduce light tones and reproduce InventHelp Inventors muffled speech. Alexander Graham Bell patented his first electric speaker capable of reproducing intelligible speech in 1876 as part of his phone. Ernst Siemens improved the following year.


In 1898, InventHelp Idea Horace Short won a patent for a loudspeaker powered by compressed air. Some companies have produced recorders using compressed air speakers, InventHelp Invention Ideas but these projects had poor sound quality and could not reproduce sound at a low volume.


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