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History of the plough – Origin and evolution

 Today, it is common to see tractors ploughing the field in preparation for the next harvest. This job was not so simple in ancient times. We explain the history of the plough, what is its origin, InventHelp Inventions who is its inventor and how it has evolved over time.


Origin of the plough


Every time we sit at the table to eat, InventHelp we can notice a curious fact. The diet of humans is based largely on a few plant species.


Generalizing, InventHelp Patent we can say that European civilizations have grown thanks to wheat, Asian ones thanks to rice, InventHelp Innovation and American ones thanks to corn. This has been possible thanks to a fantastic ability to produce on the part of agriculture.


We have been improving the plants, we have made each spike make many large and very nutritious ones and, above all, InventHelp Technology we have managed to obtain a very high yield from the soil. This race of improvements commented many centuries ago with a simple, but revolutionary tool: the plough.


Who invented the InventHelp Inventors  plough?


Again, it is from Mesopotamia where we have the first news of ploughs, more than five thousand years ago: InventHelp Idea a wood to which another vertical wood had been fixed and which was dragged by some pack animal.


Coupling that mechanism to an animal, allowed to do much more work than if a man did it with the strength of his arms. In Mesopotamia of the IV millennium BC, InventHelp Invention Ideas the first idea of a primitive plough without a front set is found.


Some Sumerian cylindrical seals and pictograms show a two-handed instrument supported by a transverse bar, the extremities of which end in a grating or blade, which has a rudder complemented with a deposit of seeds, and is pulled by oxen or zebu.


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